We would like to thank the HideIPVPN team for offering our visitors a special discount on their SmartDNS service. We’ve had the pleasure of testing a number of SmartDNS services and we like the way HideIPVPN has implemented it. You won’t need to install any client software. Simply enter your IP address and set your DNS entries to ones they provide. Then you’ll have access to otherwise blocked content in the US and UK. Sign up by Sept. 30th using coupon code VPNSP25OFF to save 25% off your first 3 months of access.
SmartDNS offers some advantages over VPN access. For starters you won’t need any software. A simply DNS change is all that is necessary to access streaming sites. Since you won’t have the overhead of encryption the performance will be better as well. Not to be confused. We spend most our time promoting online privacy. If you want to be private and hide your IP address while browsing then we strongly suggest you give their VPN service a try. VPN members receive free access to the SmartDNS service anyway so you’re all set.
Let’s take a quick look at some of the programming you can access through HideIPVPN’s SmartDNS:
As you can see they list services like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon and HBO GO along with the devices each can be accessed on. You can visit their SmartDNS page for a full channel and device lineup.
As we mentioned above setting up the service couldn’t be much easier. You simply enter your IP address in their database and enter their DNS server addresses on your system. They provide set up information for a number of devices including Windows, Mac, iOS, Apple TV, PS3, Xbox 360, Roku, SmartTV and DD-WRT routers.
You can subscribe to the SmartDNS service with a monthly or long term membership:
- $7.90 a month – use coupon code VPNSP25OFF to save 25% off your first 3 months of access
- $21.90 a quarter
- $37.90 for 6 months
- $67.90 a year
SmartDNS is also available to all VPN members. Their VPN accounts range from $5.99 to $14.99 a month with term discounts available. Sign up for SmartDNS by Sept. 30th with our code to save 25% off your first 3 months.