F-Secure is very well known for their antivirus and Internet security software. Now they’re jumping into the VPN space with Freedome. The Freedome VPN service is currently available for iOS and Android. They are working on a Windows client but decided to launch the mobile apps first. In addition to encryption, Freedome provides some additional malware protection. You can try the service free for six months if you sign up by May 16th.
Both the iOS (iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch on iOS 7 or later) and Android mobile VPN apps are well designed. Especially for early versions. You can tell the F-Secure team put a lot of thought and effort into the development of Freedome. The company has been offering a 7 day free trial of the service to help users get a feel before purchasing. From now until May 16th you can sign up for 6 months of free VPN using promo code david.
It looks like F-Secure has put together an all out PR blitz to help promote their new Freedome VPN service. In the last couple weeks they’ve had articles in the Washington Post and PC World. Along with a review by the Financial Times. With that level of coverage you’ll likely hear more about Freedome in the days and weeks to come. We look forward to reviewing both the iOS and Android apps. In the meantime grab a free account.
If you want to try Freedome free for six months then make sure to download the Android and/or iOS app and sign up for service using promo code david by May 16th. After that date I suspect F-Secure will continue offering a 7 day free trial. You might as wekk take advantage of the six month free account to give the mobile apps and service a good test drive. As always we welcome and appreciate your feedback via Twitter @vpnsp.