In case you missed it, the FBI was able to get a court in California to order Apple to create a backdoor to allow law enforcement access to an iPhone tied to the San Bernardino attacks last week. Apple will be formally responding to the court later this week. In the meantime they are asking customers and everyone who cares about their privacy to consider the consequences of the court order. Creating a backdoor for iOS would potentially give the FBI, other government agencies, criminals, and eventually everyone access to your cell phone data. In response Fight For The Future is helping organize rallies to take place around the world at 5:30 PM local time on Tuesday, Feb. 23rd. You can visit their Don’t Break Our Phones site for more details.
The rallies are set to take place on Tuesday, February 23rd at Apple stores in several US cities including:
- Anchorage, Ann Arbor, Atlanta, Boston, Boulder, Brandon, Cherry Hill, Chicago, Corte Madera, Durham, Farmington, Houston, Los Angeles, Metairie, Miami, Minneapolis, Modesto, New York City, Palm Beach Gardens, Palo Alto, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, Portland, Ridgeland, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, Santa Monica, Seattle, Tampa, Valencia, and Washington DC.
- Rally locations outside the US – Exeter, London, Munich, and Hong Kong.
Invite your friends and family to join in letting the US government know that you’re not ok with giving anyone access to your encrypted data. No one is standing up in favor of those who plan to do us harm. Instead we don’t wish to be monitored and give everyone access to our lives, digital and otherwise. I believe Benjamin Franklin said it best, “Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.” Support Apple in their fight against the government to protect everyone’s digital privacy.
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