IPVanish released an app for Android members earlier this summer. As a Note 2 and Nexus 7 user we enjoy using the app. For a version 1 release it was well suited to meet our needs. The new version 1.08 includes some enhancements. Especially for those who travel or experience frequent drops from their cell network. Existing users will be prompted to upgrade. Enjoy unlimited VPN access for just $10 a month.
Here’s a summary of the new features from the IPVanish blog:
- Switching to airplane mode. IPVanish switches into “Waiting for usable network connection” state. Once airplane mode is disabled, IPVanish reconnects.
- Installed IPVanish on a Nexus 7, disabled the Wi-Fi router it was connected to. IPVanish enters “waiting for usable Network connection” state. Reconnects once signal is back.
- Disabled 3g within the Android emulator, IPVanish trys to reconnect all the time.
The Android app uses OpenVPN for the best possible privacy for your mobile device. You can use it to switch between any of their 100+ servers in 44 countries. Switching locations and IP addresses whenever necessary. We used the client while traveling earlier this summer and found it to be very reliable.
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