OverPlay Introduces TurboDNS

OverPlay just announced a new feature that will give members faster streaming access to watch your favorite channels.  The TurboDNS feature will increase your speeds which in turn will provide a better viewing experience.  TurboDNS is ready for action.  Existing members will want to change DNS settings.  We’ll provide the new DNS in a moment.  Those new to OverPlay can sign up for unlimited SmartDNS using our 25% off coupon code.  Enjoy unlimited SmartDNS access with the new TurboDNS from just $3.25 a month.

OverPlay TurboDNS

Before we dive into more detail I want to take a moment and share the new DNS server addresses:

  • Primary –
  • Secondary –

OverPly has detailed set up guides along with great support if you need some help changing DNS settings.

OverPlay is a leading provider of SmartDNS and VPN services.  We’re particularly fond of their SmartDNS solution.  It’s perfect for watching live events like UEFA Champions League games and Formula 1 races.  Along with streaming services like Netflix and Hulu.  The OverPlay VPN service will take things a step further and help protect your privacy online.  Connect to a VPN server in 48 different countries and encrypt your data.

SmartDNS is easy to use.  You simply change your DNS settings to those provided by OverPlay.  If you’re not comfortable doing that the OverPlay team has easy to follow set up guides.  Members have access to content in other countries that would otherwise be blocked.  A good example is BBC content.  If you want to watch BBC programming from outside the UK you can with OverPlay’s Smart DNS.  Use their JetSwitch feature to change regions for popular channels like Netflix.  That will give you access to movies and shows in other Netflix regions.

OverPlay VPN is also simple to use.  They provide a nice custom client for both Windows and Mac.  I’ve used it for years and can vouch for how easy it is to connect and switch between server locations.  VPN members have access to every server location plus their popular Smart DNS service.  It’s really the best of both worlds.  You can use Smart DNS to unblock content and the VPN service to help protect your online privacy.

Visit our OverPlay special page to save 25% off.  Sign up for SmartDNS or enjoy it free with a VPN membership.