SlickVPN Adds Custom Routers

SlickVPN customers and those looking for a VPN to protect their network will be happy to see the service introduce routers.  SlickVPN is selling custom routers pre-configured with a year of SlickVPN service.  The prices are very reasonable considering you get a full year of VPN with the device.  Their routers range from $219 to $379 based on which ASUS model you choose.  Visit the SlickVPN router page for more details.

SickVPN routers

The image above shows some of the devices SlickVPN recently added to their line up.  They are one of the only VPN services to offer their own custom routers.  Most providers work with third party router vendors like FlashRouters and Sabai Technology.  SlickVPN is taking it on themselves to do the work.  Each router is flashed with Merlin firmware which was originally based on Tomato and supports OpenVPN connections.

Here’s a list of the router models SlickVPN is currently offering:

The prices are very reasonable for a custom flashed router.  You can get a better deal on the devices themselves on a site like Amazon but it’s easy to brick a router when you try to add the custom firmware.  That’s why we recommend going with a pre-configured device.  All SlickVPN routers come with a year of VPN service.  SlickVPN offers members unlimited access to their network of VPN servers across 134 cities in 44 countries.

You can visit to learn more about VPN routers.  Follow us @VPNSP to save on VPN access.